Additional filter controls for NXT Dashboards

The following dashboard filter controls (and insight filters) to help better share information:

  1. Ability to handle a combination of criteria with a mix of "and" and "or" like RE db query

  2. Ability to provide a list as a filter [and having the ability in NXT lists to do a mix of "and" and "or" like db query].
    Similar to how you can use a gift query in the db view Recent Gifts List panel's "gifts to include" option.

  3. Access to gift attributes (custom fields)

A comprehensive major campaign may contain Annual and Capital campaign gifts within a certain date range as well as those with a gift attribute to grab those gifts during the silent phase to build the campaign and gifts grandfathered in. In db view, we can create a gift query and use it as a filter on the db gift reports. To be able to do that at the dashboard level in NXT would be a great way to share that information quickly (and without us running the reports) with leadership.

  • Danielle Keeney
  • Jan 29 2021
  • Attach files