RE NXT Insights - Ability to filter an insight by gift amount

Within RE NXT Insights, there needs to be the ability to pull insights with giving amount as a filter.  In most cases, development staff is measured on what they have in the pipeline for opportunities (asks) and actions (where they are in development stage) but also in productivity, such as how many gifts total and how much has come in per fundraiser but also how many gifts and how much has come from major donors (10K+).  Development staff needs to be able to see this all in one comprehensive dashboard so having this ability in Insights will allow for a more complete view.

  • Tammy Batchelor
  • Oct 22 2018
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    • Jodi Bruns commented
      July 07, 2021 00:38

      Same issue with our organization. We define Annual Gifts by gifts of $10,000 or less. I have no way to create a dashboard for our Annual Giving team which is a major issue and huge inconvenience for them.

    • Sue Christensen commented
      May 18, 2021 22:52

      Agree! Trying to create an annual giving dashboard and need a gift amount filter