Allow users to filter Gift Lists by a specific date range

We need additional filters in NXT in the work center view of constituents and gifts. Including being able to filter by specific date ranges of gifts (or anything greater than today, etc.) and especially being able to filter by attributes. We also need to be able to filter by start and end date of constituent codes.

  • Katie Schroeder
  • Oct 14 2015
  • Shipped
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    • Jarod Bonino commented
      January 25, 2019 21:49

      I believe all of the additional filters specifically referenced in the description of this idea have been shipped since the time this idea was created. I'm going to update the title to be more specific since it's not very actionable the way its written currently (The current title as of the time of this comment is just "Additional Filters in NXT").

      I'll also close the idea as shipped since, as mentioned, all of the examples in the description are possible today. If there are ideas or suggestions for other filters from anyone that voted on this, feel free to log them separately as ideas in the idea bank, and please do be specific when logging them. A request for "more filters" is not very helpful for us to know what is being asked for. A request for "The ability to filter by a specific date range on the Gift List" on the other hand, is very clear and helpful.

    • Kate Lynch commented
      January 25, 2019 20:42

      Agreed we need to be able to filter on the same criteria we can for financial reports in RE: SCs, gift attributes, gift date/all dates, etc. I can't reconcile my campaign revenue in NXT with the reporting n RE because of filtering limitations. 

    • Aaron Boydston commented
      August 23, 2016 16:37

      This idea may already exist. If so, you may want to ad you vote: