Report Builder in NXT

As our team has been moving to NXT, I've been sitting down with key team members to get their thoughts on what the barriers to use are. One thing I've found is that as soon as I show them analytics, they usually start nit-picking the graphs available, saying they aren't the ones they need at their finger tips. In particular, our Grants Manager has 3 dream graphs:

  • # of opportunities. She's picturing a bar graph with two columns for each month, showing the number of grants with one status as well as the number of grants with another status for each month. Specifically, she'd use our 'funded' status and our 'submitted' status
  • graph showing the total amount asked for (filtering based on opportunity status), compared to the total amount received (using the 'amount received' field on the opportunity record.
  • on the constituent record, have a graph showing lifetime giving. 

I know many of these are shown in other forms in NXT, and others I'm working on convincing her to use classic view for, while doing her day-to-day work in NXT. HOWEVER, in the future it would be great if we could build our own reports and analytics dashboards to fit different roles. 

  • Angela Bertrand
  • Jul 6 2016
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • Karen Diener commented
    July 14, 2020 12:52

    This would be enormously helpful. It is frustrating to try and tout the benefits of using webview - and there are many - but then say "oh, but I can't display the high-level overview information that you need to help you make strategic decisions". Blackbaud is SO far behind in this area that it is kind of embarrassing.