Action Status Access

When adding or editing actions, either in the work center or on a constituent record, it would be nice to have access to edit the action status field.  Adding an action status is a required part of adding or completing an action at our organization, so until it is implemented, our solicitors can't fully add/complete their actions while they're on the road using NXT.

  • Eric Baerg
  • Apr 1 2015
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    • Diane Murphy commented
      November 20, 2015 22:20

      The Action Status in RE database view allows a choice to be made from the Action Status table, but in RE NXT the Action Status is used to indicate if the action is completed, Past due. etc.  Shouldn't a different word be used for this in RE NXT, and then add the Action Status from the database view as an option to add or edit in RE NXT, just like Category and Type?

    • Deleted User commented
      June 08, 2015 20:21

      With the release as of today (6/8/15), you can decide how granular you want to manage actions and their statuses. Supervisor just needs to log in, go to a constituent record and the notes and actions tile and hit the gear icon to start using statuses. The feature allows you to decide if you want simple or more robust. Simple means less to manage, Robust allows for more granularity, but we also let you decide which actions mean complete so you never have to mark an action as completed, rather just choose the status and it will know if it's complete or not. In the next week or two you will be able to filter by customer defined statuses in lists. Thanks for the feedback! 

    • Deleted User commented
      April 15, 2015 14:45

      Good news is we are definitely going to do this. We're testing options right now to handle completed (so it's easy to actually complete an action but still have granular status management). 

    • Eric Baerg commented
      April 08, 2015 19:09

      We also have "Not Yet Completed" (for future actions) and "Will Not Be Completed" (for will not address/resolved/outdated issues).  For the latter, we go ahead and mark the completed checkbox, too.  I'm sure there are other variations that organizations could use, but that is all we've included so far.

      I agree with you...I've always felt like the checkbox and the status field were largely redundant because they are both mostly used to mark things as completed.  However, if they are both going to exist in RE Classic, then they both need to be available in RE NXT.  Our reporting is all still done in RE Classic anyway, and unless Blackbaud plans on removing one of the two fields from Classic, then I essentially have to "require" the status field because otherwise my solicitors don't fully complete their actions...or half do and half don't, causing reporting issues.

    • Deleted User commented
      April 08, 2015 18:38

      We are looking at this one. We definitely see the need for additional statuses, but we also want to be conscientious of how we handle marking something as completed and managing downstream reporting. We have seen people mistake the status of "Completed" in RE7 with the actual checkbox to complete the action. Do you have other statuses where you check the box to mark it completed, like "Will not address" or "Resolved"?