View Relationship detail when clicking on a Relationship

As in the database view, when one clicks on a Relationship link, they can see the details of that relationship.  The same thing should happen in NXT but instead, you are taken to the constituent record - problem...not all relationships have constituent records so you end up with essentially a blank page.  Being able to see the 'details' of the relationship will allow you to see the address, phone numbers, and other such info about that specific relationship without having to go into the constituent record...if available.

  • Nilsen Septon
  • Sep 1 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
  • Kelly Pearson commented
    November 15, 2022 21:16

    This idea would be very helpful and useful. Please address this issue!

  • Brittany O'Dowd commented
    September 29, 2020 14:34

    YES. It is impossible to tell who a non-constituent relationship record is actually related to if the related name came up in a search. We enter a lot of emails for assistants, so I have to query for the email address in db view to figure out who the email is actually for/about when it's addressed to the assistant. It would be create if their relationship page had a tile where I could see WHOSE assistant they are.

  • Euan Kennedy commented
    July 25, 2019 10:49

    I would like to see this developed - as others have already said, it's helpful to see the relation's contact details without having to click through. Our fundraising team have asked me about this (I'm a database mgr, dealing with various issues related to recent migration to NXT).

  • Dana Troy commented
    January 25, 2019 17:20

    This is especially important now that there are more ways to get directly to a relationship record, in which case there's no way to see what record they're connected with. Simply having a link to that main record (or a relationship tile within non-constituent relationship records) would fix the the problem.

  • JP Provencal commented
    February 22, 2018 17:53

    Perhaps this could open in one of the "side panels" for related with the option to drill through the Full Record information similar to how the Fund information opens when you are looking at a Gift Record 

  • Dana Troy commented
    December 07, 2017 22:25

    I agree with Aaron, especially when you get to a non-constituent relationship through a route other than the main constituent record. There's no way to tell which record(s) this relationship is linked to, which can be quite problematic.

  • Aaron Boydston commented
    March 09, 2017 18:21

    To be clear, one of the biggest problems is that when you click on a relationship (that is not a constituent), there is no relationship information.

  • Aaron Boydston commented
    October 25, 2016 23:21

    I think this is related to another problem: Now that it is possible to search for relationship records, you can find a relationship record but have no clue who they are related to!

    For example, I sent mail to constituent's child (baby present). Bad address, it was returned. Looking at the address label on the package, I had no clue who the constituent was. Then I remembered, "Hey, I can find the child's record in nxt! I did. Awesome! But the relationship record did not show who the parent was! Not so awesome.

  • Candace Chesler commented
    August 01, 2016 22:19

    Related to this - in the Database View I can choose which columns I want to view on the relationships tab.  For parents and Grandparents - I show the Class Of, Date Enrolled and Enrollment Status of students.  This gives me a quick snapshot of the family without opening the child's record

  • Guest commented
    July 06, 2016 22:34

    We especially would like to see the relationship's attributes and notes. 

  • James McLain commented
    February 18, 2016 22:08

    We work with a lot of big companies who give in many ways, send teams of employees as volunteers, buy event tickets, and sponsor events. Loads of relationships and not all with their own records. Getting kicked into the individual records robs solicitors of the vital contact info that is in the org record. 7.95 in the database view at least, loads the individual contact into the linked organizational relationship records. A great thing if you can see it.

    This is a huge flaw - thanks for adding it Nilsen.

  • +1