Change field name back to nickname instead of preferred name

It isn't accurate to say a nickname is a preferred name.  It may not be preferred at all or it may only be appropriate for some staff to use nickname. 

  • Ellen Smith
  • May 15 2017
  • Attach files
  • Jen Claudy commented
    May 16, 2017 18:17

    If it is necessary to change the label on this field, I wish it would be "Alternate Name"...but I'd prefer it just be Nickname.  It's getting more and more confusing (and will require more and more updating of documentation) to have a term in RE:7 and a different term for RE:NXT that references the same field.  I appreciate the term Attachment rather than Media, because that is essentially different functionality.  But the rest is just confusing...particularly for staff who are transitioning from one to the other or working with both simultaneously...or for searching in the Knowledgebase, Community, or Idea Banks.  When I want to add an Idea, I try to do it correctly by first searching for the same thing already existing...but it takes longer when I have to search for "nickname" and then "preferred name" or "proposal" and then "opportunity" in case the Idea was posted before the field label was changed.