Allow organizations to specify how donors can sort their giving history in their donor portal.

The only options to sort a donor's giving history in their donor portal are by year and/or fund. Depending on how an organization organizes their appeals, campaigns, and funds, they should be able to specify how the donor can sort their giving history. This would help donors by showing only fields that give options they are familiar with. For example: Our organization has an annual appeal that allows donors to designate the community they belong to. By only showing a sort field for fund, they can only sort their donations by the community they designated and not by each annual appeal. This confuses our donors because they are looking to sort by the title of each annual appeal and not the community they are a part of.

  • Guest
  • Jan 31 2024
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  • Suzanne Hopkins commented
    January 31, 2024 22:33

    It would also be helpful if this option is configurable. That way, oranization can choose their preference to how donors gifts are categorized. For my oranization, we have appeals that fall under a campaign. Donor's are more aware of the campaign, so it would make the most since for them to categorize their gifts by campaign in their portal. The appeal and fund could be part of the details of their gift.