allowing summary note to keep formatting.

i think it's fine for the summary note to condense paragraphs when it is collapsed, but when the summary note is expanded it should keep the formatting.  having a way to break up the note visually is really helpful for our team because they would like to use the field for biographical summaries which can get lengthy.  having all the paragraphs smushed together when expanded makes it messy and hard to read.  

  • Guest
  • Aug 5 2015
  • Already exists
  • Jul 15, 2016

    Admin response

    I am going to mark this as already exist as formatting should be respected in the summary note.  Please let me know if you are finding otherwise of if there is a detail we might be missing.  Thanks

  • Attach files
  • Paul Finch commented
    May 05, 2016 12:44

    This should support any line spacing and paragraphs that you add.  Let me know if that is not what you are experiencing