Ability to define where constituent summary information comes from to auto populate.

I have briefing loaded in constituent notes that I would like to somehow magically have populated in the constituent summary on NXT.  I hate the thought of having to copy and paste each briefing one-by-one.

  • Nancy Hartman
  • Oct 29 2015
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    • Deb Dressely commented
      April 28, 2021 19:36

      I agree with Jen's notes (from 2015!) Would like to select which note type in database view displays as Summary Note in NXT. Would also like to have date added and changed as well as the description that shows in database view. Do not want to rename Prospect Strategy note type to RE NXT Summary just so it will display at the top of the page. RE NXT Summary is not descriptive enough to be useful.

    • Chris Wright commented
      December 17, 2015 18:32

      I have not been able to get a note that I create in RE 7.95 to automatically populate as a RE NXT summary note at all.  I tried using the notepad type of RE NXT Summary.  I asked support about it and they said it doesn't work in that direction.  Definitely voting for this because we already have many summary notes in the database view and we would have to add them one constituent at a time in RE NXT

    • Nancy Hartman commented
      November 06, 2015 17:58

      Ok, tried your suggestion and changed one record as a test. Works great, except, if the information is edited on NXT, the notepad description disappears.  Can this be fixed?

    • Nancy Hartman commented
      November 06, 2015 17:06

      Jennifer, thank you I will try that.

    • Jen Claudy commented
      October 30, 2015 19:17

      If you are adding these notes in RE:7, you need to select the NXT Notepad type.  HOWEVER, it appears that Notes with this Type no longer appear on the Notes & Actions Tile, and only ONE of them shows up under the Constituent Name...first one?  I just tested by adding a second, and it's not visible in NXT at all.  Changed the date to be "older" than the other one, no change.  And all that's visible of it is the Notepad itself, no Date, Title, Author, or Description.  I'd rather have a box to check that marks any existing Note in 7 as the Constituent Note that appears at the top of the page (and I can choose whatever Type I want).  Then have that same Note ALSO appear in the Notes & Actions Tile.