Drive alerts based on queries

We have annotations pop up when you open a constituent record, would be good to have showing in 'summary' under constituent name. e.g. 'Board member'; 'this constituent is a major donor' etc. 

  • Guest
  • May 19 2015
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    April 06, 2018 16:39

    This needs to be implemented.

    If an annotation/business rule is critical enough to be created, it obviously needs to be seen by solicitors in the field.  Huge waste of time to create a business rule for database view users as well as a summary note for the web view users.

  • Nancy Hartman commented
    February 02, 2016 21:53

    I second Jennifer's comment.  The pop-ups should stop the user to read it. 

  • Jen Claudy commented
    June 17, 2015 18:54

    I would like Annotations (and Business Rules) to pop-up in RE:NXT just like in RE:7.  Forcing the user to click [OK] increases the likelihood that whatever that pop-up says will register with the user and prevent incorrect or incomplete data from being gathered or entered.