Ability to add a note to a constituent code

When we have the ability to add, edit and delete constituent codes in NXT I would like the ability to be able to add a note to the code. Instead of adding to and from dates we change a constituent's code when their status changes. For instance a Current Parent becomes a Parent of Alum and a Student becomes an Alumnus/a when the student graduates. We report on the constituent code on their record without the need to use to and from dates. With NXT it would be nice if there was a note field with the constituent code data so I could put in any pertinent information that I might have like the years that someone was a board member. I don't want to keep Board Member on their record when they are a Former Board Member,but I would like to be able to note when they were a board member. I know that I could use an Attribute/Custom Field for this, but I think that it would be cleaner and easier to see if I could add it to the constituent code record. There also might be other reasons for adding notes to constituent codes. 

  • Karen Stuhlfeier
  • Jul 11 2017
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