BB recently released Receipt Series in the web views to help canadian charites manage their unique receipting requirements, but the Receipt Series values don't get saved down to the Receipt Stack (or any other location that I can see) in the RE7 database view, which is used to support much of our reporting and audit functions.
Please add the Receipt Series details to the Receipt Stack values.
There are now mutiple ideas presented about receipt stacks and webview- 5401, 7305, 4691 and 5015. It would be great if Blackbaud could link them or consolidate.
Receipt stacks are important part of receipting and creating a unique receipt number for Canadian receipting requirements. Receipt series in webview is not aligned with receipt stacks in DB view, and leads to Canadian customers having multiple ways of trying to track individual receipt numbers. Automatic gifts processed in webiview do not rollover the receipt stack, which means more work on the backend to add it in a global change.
I would also like to point out that while these ideas may have relatively few votes, this is relative to the ratio of Canadian customers- American customers would likely not have this on their radar to vote for, so I would encourage Blackbaud not to equate number of votes with the the need for this feature. This is once again a feature that is integral in DB view, and is not being translated to webview.
Need a rect stack in NXT and templates in batch. We have multiple avenues for printing rects and to manually add this on each gift while not in a batch entry is much to time consuming.
Apparently Receipt Series and Receipt Stacks need to be handled separately. I agree that there is a huge problem given the fact that we cannot get any reporting (exports, query results, or lists) that state the full receipt number, including the stack or series. In fact, even if you navigate to the gift on web view you cannot see these references. The only place that you can get this is in the details for the stack, which is not a list where you can add other gift fields.
Also if you use the receipt series created in Gift Receipting in webview, the receipt series doesn't show up in the gift (even though there is a 'receipt stack' field). It would be great for this to be added when the gift is receipted in webview. Now that we are using receipt stacks in RE7 and different receipt stacks in RE NXT webview, it's essential that we have noted somewhere what receipt stack/series was used for each gift receipted.
My experience is that if you have issued a reciept in DB view and need to resend it, you have to do it manually and not with the NXT receipt function. I believe that if you issue the receipt from nxt it does download the # into the receipt field, but there is no stack attached.... Bit of a mess it is, ok huge mess depending on your volume. I do not recommend using untill you have fully tested its functionality and determined additional steps to take. Ie gobally adding the stack after sending the receipts. Was told that this is how it was designed to work, and that it is not a bug.