Add Title Box to RE NXT Form

It would be great to be able to add titles (Mr./Mrs./Ms./Mx., etc) as an option for RE NXT Forms. Because we have titles on our constituents in the system, but not on the donation form, it creates duplicate constituent records. It would also be great to offer this as an option for general database cleanliness.

  • Jackie Blanchard
  • Apr 5 2022
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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    • John Keating commented
      October 28, 2024 13:18

      This would be super helpful - please implement this!

    • Anne C commented
      July 30, 2024 09:15

      For the donation forms, the older generation of donors or individuals with titles might prefer to be addressed as Professor X [surname] or Lady Y [first name] rather than by their first names. Getting this right might make the difference between a single donation and recurrent giving!

    • Roy Olchik commented
      May 17, 2023 13:02

      Without the 'Title' and 'Addressee' and 'Salutation' the forms are not really useable.

      It creates a problem sending acknowledgements, Appeal in the future and some more issues.

      This shouldnt be on this voting platform this issue should be fixed as its not a choice this is a must on this function.

    • Michael Bustos commented
      May 08, 2023 14:37

      This is also needed for portal.

    • Amanda Tindale commented
      January 09, 2023 15:16

      Voted, because we need the title for gift aid collection here in the UK.

    • Carla Weiland-Zaleznak commented
      October 19, 2022 14:45

      I don't use the form because it doesn't create salutations and addressees. Lacking the title creates numerous problems when the record goes in. Even acknowledgement letters don't come out right.