Allow us to adjust the settings in NXT so that we can determine how our constituent names will appear on the screen.

Allow us to determine how constituent names will appear on the NXT main screen. I don't mean remove titles or suffixes from records. Let me give an example.

Our medical doctors have the title of Dr. and the suffix of MD. In the dataview, their addressee is Joe Smith, MD. But when you open his record in NXT, up at the top left where his name shows, it will read: Dr. Joe Smith, MD, which is redundant.

One solution might be allowing us to enter in the dataview, a display addressee for NXT that we can configure to show a constituent name the way we want it seen.

  • Mark Guncheon
  • Sep 15 2017
  • Attach files
  • Graham Getty commented
    March 09, 2018 18:39

    We require and populate the nickname (preferred name) field for all our constituents. I would like to be able to list donors as they prefer to be called rather than their legal name. Example: J. Lanier Frank appears as J. Frank when it should display as Lanier Frank. I don't think anyone on design team ever went by a middle name instead of first name or strongly preferred a name like Will to William. Please let us configure this.