It would be so helpful to be able to edit criteria and wording to the statement. We are still in our first year of using RENXT, so we're still building our business practices within the program. We'd like to be able to incorporate wording and criteria that our donors are used to seeing and recognize. We need to include a clause that the IRS requires and remove pledge information so that only gifts received shows. We also don't need receipt information if all the other gift information is in the table. It would also help if we could preview the email before it sends to make sure that it looks right from the donor's perspective.
Yes, please, make it editable! We have constituents who need the statement, "No goods or services were provided in exchange for donations made." on the statement in order to use it for their taxes.
It would be fantastic to be able to edit the Name on the statement. To be able to use the Addressee field instead of just the first and last name.
to be able to customize the funds that can be selected and all the other ideas that people suggested.
agree on all listed, especially letting us choose the addressee/sal to use on the giving statement or their full given name rather than the setting chosen for viewing records.
This request is in multiple places, please be sure to vote on the highest voted one: "Customized PDF of giving statement and receipts with our OWN WORDING and BRANDING"
Specifically, my organization would like to:
Swap the fund column for an appeal column. Funds connect us to finance and aren't coding that the donor needs to see.
Add a package column
Eliminate the Receipt number and date columns. This is unnecessary information.
Eliminate the word "Gift" as not all that shows up on the statement is a gift (i.e. event tickets, etc.)
Filter what is included on the statement to exclude gifts with zero receipt amount.
Swap the constituent's name for their addressee.
Add a custom footer with our tax receipt language.
Eliminate the tax ID from the address at the top, or at least say "Tax ID #" so donors know what that number is.