View NXT Event Participant Options in Database View

We would like to be able to see all the information recorded in Participant Options during the registration on an NXT event form, be visible within database view under Participant Record > Attributes. Ideally, we would like to include this information automatically within Database View reporting rather than combining it outside of the system.

  • Austen Brown
  • Sep 8 2021
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    • Guest commented
      December 05, 2024 16:31

      Hi there, I use queries to pull out event booking data, rather than exporting from NXT, as I have much more control over fields I want to see (eg to make name badges/build table plans). But in query I cannot pull out data for preferred sit with or dietary requirements, which are stored in NXT as participant options. It is so infuriating I have taken to manually adding this data as participant attributes in database view!

    • John Keating commented
      October 28, 2024 13:16

      This would be super helpful - please implement this!

    • Guest commented
      April 09, 2024 14:29

      Without the ability to add attributes into dataview (and therefore segment comms through query), the current event registration isn't suitable for use beyond the most straightforward purpose.

    • Guest commented
      December 05, 2023 18:39

      This is a very important attribute that needs to be added to the web based view in order to have all information necessary for planning future events.

    • Guest commented
      September 01, 2023 14:58

      We have tracked dietary allergens as a participant option in NXT; the fact that information doesn't correlate into DB view puts our guests at risk if someone is looking at the guest list or info in DB view and does not see this vital information. This is a major oversight and could be extremely dangerous.

      Why are there not participant custom fields in NXT - at least they would/should map to the participant attributes in DB view?

    • Brian R commented
      August 17, 2023 16:41

      This is very necessary to make the Event function in web view useful. There is no reason to have to recreate participant options in Web view when they were previously made in database view.

    • Jenny Cairncross commented
      July 20, 2023 17:56

      This is very important to have this information in Database view as well. Please add these options!

    • Miki Martin commented
      April 05, 2023 13:07

      I did not even realize database view was not capturing event attributes from a web form until recently. This is definitely essential, in my opinion.

    • Heather Eggelton commented
      March 01, 2023 13:57

      This is absolutely essential please when we still don't have event forms available in NXT. We need to import participant options and registrations in bulk rather than doing it manually please

    • Jennifer Watson commented
      November 28, 2022 20:26

      When a person is making a gift online, there are options to bring in attributes from information the person has to fill out on the donation page. Why can't this be a similar things in events. Have fields that are filled out for the registration process that will then automatically go to as an attribute on the participant record - but then should also have the option to go to the constituent record as well.

    • Guest commented
      July 11, 2022 19:47

      It would be very helpful to include participant options in the database view. I need to report on class year and name at graduation and they are not available in query.

      Betty Ginty

    • Rebekah Kornblum commented
      March 24, 2022 17:10

      I would like to import participant options and it needs to be a field in database view to be able to do that. After registration has already started, we decided to start tracking an option for participants, and now I am manually adding it to everyone. It would be good to be able to query, export, and import participant options in the database.

    • Russell Presgraves commented
      October 27, 2021 21:51

      We report on partner referrals to educational events. The inability to do this across events with participant options is one of the roadblocks to us using NXT registration forms.

    • Lisa Theurer commented
      October 04, 2021 12:48

      I understand this could be complicated, since NXT doesn't use the same Participant Attributes, or registration fee units, but more integration of information would be really helpful. thanks for bringing this up.

    • Austen Brown commented
      September 21, 2021 16:51

      Seconding what Ellen commented. We would like to be able to filter on this information in database view queries and export it out with other identifying information for the constituent.

    • Ellen Stack commented
      September 16, 2021 21:46

      Not a report, but an EXPORT. We can't locate the Guest name fields to pull them from the Database.

      Ellen Stack
      Director of Advancement Services
      Randolph-Macon College
      P.O. Box 5005
      Ashland, Virginia 23005
      (804) 752-3238

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    • Admin
      Samantha McGuin commented
      September 16, 2021 20:52

      Thanks for submitting this Idea!

      I have a followup question for you. Which reports are you pulling out of database view that you'd like to include participant option values in?

      Samantha McGuin
      Principal Product Manager

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