Create personalized letters from a constituent record

As a donor relations person, it would be wonderful if I had the capacity to create a personalized letter (in Word) to a donor right from his or her record. I want to be able to create a letter that is already addressed to the donor and one that I can easily as an action to the record.

  • Guest
  • Sep 13 2016
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  • Amanda Easton commented
    August 13, 2019 11:43

    We add several constituents on a monthly basis (around 100) and send a letter out to each of them. We currently do this direct from RE7 through actions, this would be fantastic if we could do exactly the same on NXT.

  • Jen Claudy commented
    September 19, 2016 18:36

    However, for me, this is not a particularly high-priority feature.  I can select and copy the Address Block from NXT to Word, and then go select the appropriate Addr/Sal from the bottom of the Const Summary Tile.