Add Suffix to the Name at the top of Constituent Record

The Professional and Non-Professional suffixes have detail info when used with a person's name to distinguish between two or more identical names.  Suffixes include seniority terms ( III, Jr., Sr .) and professional designations ( CPA. M.D., PhD .). 

  • Fariba Ferdosi
  • Aug 10 2016
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    • Trit Mulligan commented
      July 25, 2018 20:02

      With the new display name settings, you can choose to add suffix to the display name.  This display name also surfaces in search.

    • Sutji Muliadi commented
      July 05, 2018 03:32

      And please include/show primary and secondary suffixes. Currently only primary suffix is showing. Thanks.

    • Sunshine Watson commented
      December 02, 2016 20:50

      It would be great if suffixes were included in search results in RE and RENXT. It is very confusing as we have several fathers and sons with the same names and they also live next door to each other, so the address in the search results does not help narrow it down.

    • +1