Seeing the # of gifts & percent of total raised for a range of giving levels is such a great visual for demonstrating the value of Major Gifts. We are able to use a Statistical Report in the database view for this. Please either create an Insight for this or make it possible to create this report in Insight Designer. Thanks!
I am being asked for this by the fundraisers, they really want it on their Fundraising Dashboard,but the only way to create figures in NXT is with lists. Please give us more functionality in Insights to filter/group by value
Would be great to have this!
Yes this is needed with the ability to set customised gift levels
Yes--this is really needed.
Honestly can't believe this doesn't already exist. Please add it!
Agree. Definitely needed.
Yes, this! Similar to the donor category database reports.
definitely needed...with the ability to customize those gift levels.