Default quantity 1 for RE NXT event registration - online registration forms

In Raiser's Edge NXT Events, Online Registration Forms, the default value for quantity is 0. This doesn't make sense because the user is already trying to register, the default quantity should be 1.

The value 0 for the default registration quantity is contrary to user expectation and makes for confusing UX.

We request that the quantity should have a default value of 1, or that RE NXT users have the option to set a minimum quantity in the event registration form designer.

  • UniverseIT Support
  • Jan 14 2021
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
  • Nicole Romano commented
    January 14, 2021 17:49

    I agree as well, it would be helpful and make sense to have the default value be 1 instead of 0. Or at least allow clients/organizations to control their own default quantity.

  • Anthony Stringer commented
    January 14, 2021 17:21

    I agree - a customer would have no need to be there if their intention was for a quantity of zero. The "Next" button does not exist until quantity is changed, which is unexpected. I would also like the default to be one, however, if it must be zero, I recommend that the "Next" button still be visible but disabled with a small note that quantity must be changed. Not alt text because that is also unintuitive.