Analyze & Lists by Gift Constituency

We run a lot of Development Reporting off of the Gift Constituency.  The existing Analyze Reports and Lists in NXT all run off of the (current) Primary Constituent Code at the Constituent Level of the Hard Credit Donor.

Let's say that Robert Hernandez is a board member and has a Primary Constituent Code of Board Member for FY16 but then he rotates off the board for FY17 and his Primary Consty changes.  We need reports for FY16 board giving to still include his gift in that year, which will work if using Gift Consty, but doesn't mean squat if we can only look at their current Primary Consty.

Same thing when a board member gives thru a DAF...I can temporarily add Board Member to the DAF's record, select it as the Gift Consty, and then remove it from Org2 Tab.  But the Analyze Reports won't pull that correctly.  We also have a handful of orgs/foundations that multiple donors give some gifts are Board, some are Grants, and some are Individuals.  Same Const Record, so only one Primary Consty, but we need to be able to use, in this example, 3 Gift Constituencies and then report on that field.

  • Jen Claudy
  • Jul 27 2016
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