Provide defaults for donation forms including "acknowledged" and specific letter codes

Since donors are already getting an email acknowledgement for their donation, there should be a default stating that this gift was already acknowledged. It is the exception that someone doesn't have an email address and needs a paper TY. We use staff emails to indicate who needs a physical TY and change the specific gift before approving the web batch.

  • Jen Cunningham
  • Nov 25 2020
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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    • Admin
      Samantha McGuin commented
      March 14, 2023 13:18

      Hello! I have a followup question on this for voters. For letter codes, do you always add the same letter codes to all of your online donation gifts? Or do you have different letter codes you would set based on the form they are coming from?

      I would love to hear some concrete examples of what letter codes you are adding and why. We are looking at these types of enhancements and the more info the better on fields you are having to add in batch or via global add in database view for online donations.