Have Automatic Recurring Gifts, that Shouldn't be Acknowledged, be Marked DO NOT ACKNOWLEDGE Automatically Based Upon Original Recurring Gift

We love the automated recurring gifts!!

However, one of the purposes of the automation (to be more efficient) is defeated if we have to go into every batch and manually mark specific gifts as DO NOT ACKNOWLEDGE based upon donor request or gift frequency.

Pledges, when you mark the pledge as DO NOT ACKNOWLEDGE, all subsequent payments pull the "Do Not Acknowledge" letter code into the gift. Thus preventing extra and unneeded acknowledgement letters.

Recurring gifts should operate in the same manner so that donors who are making small monthly gifts or request that we save postage, paper, and time, don't get needless acknowledgement letters and we can truly be more efficient and utilize the tools correctly.

  • Brian Bates
  • Jul 15 2020
  • Attach files