Scheduled Reports

When Reports/Exports move to the NXT view we need the ability to schedule recurring reports to be delivered via email.    This kind of Scheduled Items capability is included in other cloud-based applications including eTapestry and should come standard with NXT.

  • Rachel Bailey
  • Jul 19 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
  • Devan Caton commented
    December 12, 2019 15:11

    Yes, we currently utilize the RE Queue module in DBV to email reports out in an automated fashion on particular frequencies.  I'm aware that will eventually go away, so I really hope BB is planning to develop something of the same nature in web view.

  • Andrew Eisenhauer commented
    May 20, 2019 00:55

    For those of us not on exchange, there's no way to automate reports, so this is an important feature for NXT

  • Andrew Eisenhauer commented
    March 21, 2019 03:44

    Yep - and it would be great to be able to have the reports emailed to people outside of the NXT environment - i.e. financial teams or others in your organisation.