Allow for a copy of the Donation Form auto-responder email to be delivered to RE NXT users

It would be nice to be able to have a copy of the donation receipt sent to us instead of just a notification of receipt. Please consider adding this function since institutions may want/need to document the acknowledgement/receipting provided to their donors especially when giving levels require said acknowledgement by the IRS.

As of right now I was told " So that is a great question but the receipt can only be sent to donors and the notification is sent to you. I am very sorry about that Lauren, the only way you would be able to see it yourself is if you made a donation and then refunded yourself the money you used. It is sent to the donors only as it's for there own documentation of the money that has passed over to yourself."

  • Lauren Hendershot
  • Sep 17 2020
  • Will not implement
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Juliana Lawson commented
      May 28, 2021 20:52


      Thank you for this idea. To help protect donor information, we do not include personally identifiable information in emails. We do include a link in the notification email so that authenticate (logged in) users can view personal informtion if you have given them permission. You can read about how authenticated users can easily see information here.



    • Crystal Shreve commented
      November 17, 2020 22:13

      agreed- to either have successful receipts copied directly to the notes of a gift record (incl the email address it went to and date) or to receive an email confirmation ourselves (to the reply-to or From email addresses).

      Sometimes a donor will claim they didn't get a receipt and it's handy to check if we did in fact send it but it's going to spam/wrong email or they just missed it. It's also good to have as backup as part of auditing or other informational look-ups.

    • Rene Rosengren commented
      October 09, 2020 21:59

      This function, "copy of the confirmation email that was sent to the donor" is available in OLX .

      Also, since learning in a Virtual bbcon session that RENXT Donation Forms can be used via a direct link, I tested that out. I was pleased with how the form worked, the notification & receipt to the donor. But, there is a big limitation to processing gifts that would come in through an RENXT Donation Form. RENXT Gift Management doesn't provide all the fields we need, such as Gift Attributes. Our database view Batch templates include all the fields we need to process gifts that come in via OLX, for example. If I could receive a copy receipt or, if the notification could include transaction details, this would help provide an easy to use reference for entering the transaction into a Batch Template in the database.

      I'm going to create another Idea related to Gift Management fieldslimitations since this really took all the joy out of learning about being able to use a direct link to an RENXT Gift Form.