We use Relationships to track Fund Representatives and Recipients (we create a relationship between the Fund record and the Constituent record). As far as I can tell, that does not exist in NXT. Sure would be helpful. Thanks!
This feature is vital. We require this field to reliably transfer donations to the correct funds and to run fund analytics over the fiscal quarters and years.
Please add Relationships to Funds (ind and org) This is ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL for identification of constituents who have set up funds, fund report relationships, student award recipients, tributees, faculty fund relationships, etc. We have years of historical data that will be lost - crazy that it wasn't built in in the first place.
This is where we code the "founder" or "contact" for the fund. (Ex. If a fund is created in a loved one's memory, we link the surviving family member as a relationship, so that we can send impact reports to the correct person/people.)
It's frustrating that components are being released that are not fully completed. Why release Funds without the fund relationships. At the very least you could tell us when they will be released or if they ever will be.
On the database view, if a constituent is a contact for an endowed fund, we add the fund to the relationship tab and link it to that fund so we can easily navigate to the record. That fund is not showing up on the web view. The only relationships we can show are individual and organization. Once everything migrates over, will we be able to see that link? Also, we have several business rules set up from database view that produce an annotation (such as this is a trustee, or this constituent has a seasonal address). Those annotations are not showing up on the web view. Will they eventually?
As a community foundation, we rely on knowing exactly which fund is owned or represented by a constituent. not knowing this info prevents us from using NXT.
Just a follow up to my earlier post: Why is BB dropping code table management in database view while not yet creating a fund management feature? We've received a notice that features from Configuration are dropping in DB view on January 11th (today as I post).
As other have posted, this feature would be useful for staff that are supposed to primarily work in NXT. This seems pretty core to how donor databases run and is not currently available to the web side. It appears this suggestion has been up since 2016.
Our organization also uses Fund relationships to link the scholarship representatives to their managed funds. I am unable to utilize NXT view since this is not available. It would be much easier if we could have a "Fund" list option and pull the constituent information in to create our mailing lists versus using database view.
Hi, Blackaud - Is there any update on this? This is THE number one reason our staff are not using Web View. We will never begin using Web View until the fund relationships are present. As of today, 10/12/2023, there are 442 votes on this idea. Additionally, you can see that it's been popular because there are six other ideas that have been merged into this one, and there's actually one more that needs to be merged as well which has over 20 votes on it. Please provide some kind of update on whether or not this is actively being worked on or not and what kind of timeline we can expect for this to be released (another quarter, another year, five years from now??).
Need to see fund relationships from the constiutent record and then also when reviewing fund records - our integration with ScholarshipManager rely's on this being available.
This feature is vital. We require this field to reliably transfer donations to the correct funds and to run fund analytics over the fiscal quarters and years.
Please add this much needed feature to NXT sooner than later. Thank you.
This is key of us to do good stewardship. I don't understand why this hasn't been done yet.
This is essential for our work! It plays a crucial role in enabling us to query data for our Endowment and Stewardship reports.
please add this feature
Please add this feature!! It is critical to the work we are doing. Thank you!
Please add this feature.
We need this! It is absolutely critical to our work. This is how we are able to query for our Endowment and Stewardship reports
Please add Relationships to Funds (ind and org)
This is ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL for identification of constituents who have set up funds, fund report relationships, student award recipients, tributees, faculty fund relationships, etc.
We have years of historical data that will be lost - crazy that it wasn't built in in the first place.
Please make this available. Thank you.
Yes. This is absolutely critical to our work.
This is where we code the "founder" or "contact" for the fund. (Ex. If a fund is created in a loved one's memory, we link the surviving family member as a relationship, so that we can send impact reports to the correct person/people.)
It's frustrating that components are being released that are not fully completed. Why release Funds without the fund relationships. At the very least you could tell us when they will be released or if they ever will be.
On the database view, if a constituent is a contact for an endowed fund, we add the fund to the relationship tab and link it to that fund so we can easily navigate to the record. That fund is not showing up on the web view. The only relationships we can show are individual and organization. Once everything migrates over, will we be able to see that link? Also, we have several business rules set up from database view that produce an annotation (such as this is a trustee, or this constituent has a seasonal address). Those annotations are not showing up on the web view. Will they eventually?
As a community foundation, we rely on knowing exactly which fund is owned or represented by a constituent. not knowing this info prevents us from using NXT.
Just a follow up to my earlier post:
Why is BB dropping code table management in database view while not yet creating a fund management feature? We've received a notice that features from Configuration are dropping in DB view on January 11th (today as I post).
As other have posted, this feature would be useful for staff that are supposed to primarily work in NXT. This seems pretty core to how donor databases run and is not currently available to the web side. It appears this suggestion has been up since 2016.
Our organization also uses Fund relationships to link the scholarship representatives to their managed funds. I am unable to utilize NXT view since this is not available. It would be much easier if we could have a "Fund" list option and pull the constituent information in to create our mailing lists versus using database view.
Hi, Blackaud - Is there any update on this? This is THE number one reason our staff are not using Web View. We will never begin using Web View until the fund relationships are present. As of today, 10/12/2023, there are 442 votes on this idea. Additionally, you can see that it's been popular because there are six other ideas that have been merged into this one, and there's actually one more that needs to be merged as well which has over 20 votes on it. Please provide some kind of update on whether or not this is actively being worked on or not and what kind of timeline we can expect for this to be released (another quarter, another year, five years from now??).
Need to see fund relationships from the constiutent record and then also when reviewing fund records - our integration with ScholarshipManager rely's on this being available.