Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit RENXT-I-356 Fund Relationships available in NXT.

Fund Relationships are missing in NXT Merged

We use Fund Relationships extensively in RE, and the NXT view the Fund Relationship is not shown...  This needs to be changed

  • Guest
  • Jul 24 2019
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Devan Caton commented
    December 30, 2020 18:21

    We really need this functionality very badly. The first idea requesting this was posted on 7/6/2016. Can someone at Blackbaud please give us some kind of timeline of when this might be available?

    P.S.- There are 4 open ideas for this same topic that all need to be merged: RENXT-I-356, NETCOM-I-544, RENXT-I-2678, and RENXT-I-3419. As of right now (12/30/2020), if you sum the votes on all four ideas, there are 285.

  • Mark Bezanson commented
    October 06, 2020 13:32

    This is also very important to us. It will make the develeopment officers more content to use the product.

  • Jill Forehand commented
    April 16, 2020 20:13

    I don't understand why this is not already done. It's a critical piece for fundraisers and donor relations

  • Amy Schnarrenberger commented
    February 19, 2020 19:25

    Adding a vote to this. We use fund relationships to denote relationship between endowment donors and their funds, and to track scholarship recipients for stewardship purposes. Fund management capability is majorly lacking in NXT.

  • Devan Caton commented
    December 12, 2019 13:37

    Is there any timeline for when this will be available?  Also, this is the same as ideas RENXT-I-365 and RENXT-I-2678.

  • Devan Caton commented
    October 04, 2019 17:22

    This is vital.  We will never be able to fully implement RE NXT until this is available.

  • +21