Ability to work on NXT records offline and sync automatically once have interenet again

Many of our staff and volunteers in the field work in remote parts of the UK where signal is unreliable. It would be really useful to have the facility to be able to work offline (e.g. add actions) and then NXT automatically sync this once a signal is obtained. This is the main reason that we are moving to the cloud with Microsoft 365, Sharepoint and NXT. It will be a much better selling point to maximise use of NXT if this is possible, otherwise they will be back to storing up data updates for when they are back in the office and then there is little benefit to the NXT offering.

  • Sue Bowles
  • Jun 16 2016
  • Attach files
  • Jen Claudy commented
    June 17, 2016 15:44

    This would be great.  I would assume the User would need to tag or save specific records to a device (like in Dropbox where you download a file to the device to make it available offline) and then add applicable data in offline mode, which then syncs when you're back in signal range.  Would also be great to use this type of feature when you have a cell signal but don't want to use/pay for cell data...set NXT to sync only when on wifi.

    I would think even if you need to tag a set of records to be downloaded to a device and then manually initiate a sync when you're back on the grid (rather than an auto sync) this would still be preferable to what Sue mentioned in her post with waiting until you're back in the office to enter anything.

    Might also help open/access data faster.  I tested the new Add Action to Google Calendar, which works, but gives a link in the calendar item which generated the spinning wheel of death when I tested clicking that link (while on wifi...sitting at my desk).