Make it possible to see NetCommunity email receipt in NXT

At the moment, we have to check in NXT to see if X had an NXT email and check in database view to see if he had a NetCommunity email - we need to be able to see both those things from NXT - ridiculous that we can't. And you wonder why we're not rushing headlong to NXT!

  • Anonymous
  • Feb 16 2023
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Rachel Newbury commented
      April 27, 2023 13:35

      I think this might be because BB are focusing on Email Marketing in NXT, rather than NetCommunity email marketing. However, there are lots of reasons why the Mail functionality in NXT won't work for us - not least because it doesn't allow for granulated opt-outs - so we have decided to stick with NetCommunity for now. We have a similar frustration of not being able to see NC email info in web view.