Out of curiosity, what ideas from this customer feedback board have actually been implemented? I ask because I do not see any in the "Planned" category and I also see a few very popular ideas that had review periods, the review periods closed and nothing was implemented.

All customers would benefit from transparency about how seriously feedback is considered in regards to further NXT development.

  • Dana McCaw-Lane
  • Jul 8 2020
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Dana McCaw-Lane commented
    July 08, 2020 19:42

    Thanks. Meanwhile though... from a high level... is there a plan to make all database functionality available on the NXT side? I feel like a lot of the posts on here center on that exact issue: the inability to carry out the same kind of work on NXT that can be managed from the database view. I mention this because what prompted me to write this post was a comment from an admin that they had decided to abandon the popular request for managing tribute gifts on NXT. It's a relatively simple request for basic functionality. It makes me curious about the overall plan for addressing these outstanding basic functionality items in NXT.

  • Admin
    Samantha McGuin commented
    July 08, 2020 19:35

    There may have been a blip in our Ideas vendor right when you were looking at it. I'm glad that you can see them now!

  • Dana McCaw-Lane commented
    July 08, 2020 19:33

    And I realize that this screen capture is set to "My Ideas" (because I hit the back button from my own idea) but I was not on it before. It said zero planned and zero shipped when I was just on the main list of popular or recent posts.

  • Dana McCaw-Lane commented
    July 08, 2020 19:29

    Hi Samantha. Thanks for the reply. It is showing 42 now, after opening the link from your message but when I wrote this post about an hour ago, it said zero in the Planned phase. Not sure if something was switched on for me but I made no changes on my end. Just to show you what I saw... I hit the back arrow on my browser for the tab I already had open and it still shows nothing in the Planned phase.

  • Admin
    Samantha McGuin commented
    July 08, 2020 18:55

    What do you see when you click on "Planned" in the left side bar on the main Ideas page from the Community? I see 42 Ideas currently in Planned status when I click this link, you should be able to see the same. We are constantly reviewing Ideas. The recent Head of Household enhancements were a result of Ideas submitted. You can see Ideas that were implemented by clicking on the "Shipped" filter on the left side navigation. These are also often referenced in our What's New announcements by including "Based on customer feedback."

  • Fabiola Flores commented
    July 08, 2020 18:28
