All organizations that lose an employee need this ability. I have 303 accounts assigned to two people who left. In RE DB View I need the Major Prospect Manager updated and in RE NXT I need the Fundraiser updated. Was told not possible via mass update. This means I have to update 606 records.
Daniel - Blackbaud Support (6/25/2020, 10:18:05 AM): What exactly is that you're tying to update? The names of the solicitors?
Me (6/25/2020, 10:18:49 AM): Yes solicitor in RE DB View and Fundraiser in RE NXT view
Me (6/25/2020, 10:19:24 AM): AKA Major Prospect Manager in Relationship
Daniel - Blackbaud Support (6/25/2020, 10:23:02 AM): Right, unfortunately there's no way to make these changes globally, you'll need to change the name of the solicitors manually and also update the constituent records linked to their user records manually as well
Me (6/25/2020, 10:23:38 AM): Seriously?
Me (6/25/2020, 10:24:29 AM): No way to import new solicitor to replace previous or change something on the two employees that lefts account in a mass update?
Me (6/25/2020, 10:26:45 AM): Ok maybe I my brain was working and this isn't that simple. Someone in BB world create something to do this. Employees have to leave regularly and this should be a pretty available function.
Me (6/25/2020, 10:27:10 AM): That was a question can one of your software engineers look into this?
Daniel - Blackbaud Support (6/25/2020, 10:28:12 AM): Sure, I can submit an internal reques
Sorry, I forgot the link:
I used these steps to globally update the solicitor relationships for a departed employee to "Former Manager" with an end date. Then I had to do a separate global to add the new employee as a solicitor. It was worth it to update hundreds at once but it was difficult to set up. It should not be that hard!
I agree that this is a very important thing to be able to do globally. I have had to do this process a few times in the last few years when I had turnover with major gift officers. Our current software (we are just transitioning to RE NXT) has this capability to easily do so.