When searching for a participant, bring up everyone in that participant's party.

Sometimes, guests of a single host will come to the event at the same time. It would save a lot of time to be able to search for them en mass instead of one by one.

  • Serina Zheng
  • Feb 7 2020
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Samantha McGuin commented
    February 11, 2020 20:51

    Thanks for the additional info! This makes perfect sense! I'm going to modify the title/description slightly and this will be open for voting! We'll update this Idea when we get some traction on that.

  • Serina Zheng commented
    February 11, 2020 15:54

    Hi Samantha, 
    Thanks for your response! 
    The multi-check in only works if the host is a constituent, but it doesn't work if they're an organization. For example, at a Gala, the host is usually a Company instead of one single person.
    It'd be great if this multi-check is available for company hosts, but the problem is that it counts the company as 1 participant in the guest count.
    However, if the search bar can search via other column fields, then I can search for example: Blackbaud - and have all guests of Blackbaud come up on the same screen.

  • Admin
    Samantha McGuin commented
    February 11, 2020 15:37

    Hi Serena,

    Thanks for your idea! Can you give me a little bit more information about what you'd like to see? Currently, all hosts are constituents - and the search on the participant list within Events searches through all participants, whether they are hosts or guests, constituents or named guests. If you have guests arriving without the host of their party, you should be able to still search for them, and if you mark them as attended the party check-in screen will pop up allowing you to check in multiple people in the party at once (I've included a screenshot below.) Or are you looking to do something other than check in the guests that would require you to be able to access their participant records more quickly?

    Samantha McGuin
    Principal Product Manager, Events