Gift batch fields available in NXT view

We use gift batches to control not only gift entry but acknowledgement letters as well. We use 30+ fields, many of them are defaulted, when entering gifts.

If I use the web-view batch function I would then need to open each gift in NXT-view and hope I could enter all the needed data to produce the acknowledgement letters.

When will total gift batch functionality be ported over to NXT-view? 

  • Brian Hallisey
  • Sep 30 2019
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Karen Bethell commented
      05 Mar 19:50

      agreed - they have created batch entry as if you have 5 gifts a day with no complicated coding to add, no need to apply to a pledge. not designed for robust data entry.

    • Cindy commented
      27 Jan 18:50

      Our organization has multiple gift batch entry templates for bulk gift entry in web view. The templates are customized for the different details we need for different types of gifts. For gift batch entry in web view, it is important to have a similar look to database gift batch entry in a spreadsheet-like layout, and the ability to have multiple gift batch templates saved to make gift entry easy and more efficient.

    • Casey Therrien commented
      February 26, 2020 14:15

      Yes. This needs to be changed ASAP. It's absurd that it's been since September and this still hasn't been rectified. 

    • Monica Curl commented
      December 04, 2019 22:49

      I agree our organization uses Gift codes on every gift and we use alot of gift attributes.  If these are not added as fields for gift and gift batch entry these tools are essentially useless to my organization.

    • Peggy Dixon commented
      October 19, 2019 18:03

      Agree. We need Gift Type, Tribute, Receipt Amount, Notes. Would also like the functionality to definite our own Pay Methods, i.e. Personal Check vs Business Check.