Allow user to batch gifts from NXT manually

Many organizations need the ability to batch their own online donations using NXT WebView Forms. WebView currently batches randomly throughout the day and even through the online BB resources says it will use certain parameters, a BB rep told me it would most likely always be 1 gift batches.

Please allow organizations to create batches from WebView online gifts as we see fit. I know the goal is to move to all WebView NXT, but our organization will suffer if we cannot batch the gifts on our own.

  • leslee camardo
  • Nov 9 2022
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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    • Ellie Stair commented
      August 10, 2023 19:06


      Thank you so much for following up. That is very different information than I was able to receive through the chat representative. With the information you have provided, that makes much more sense - I appreciate it.

    • Admin
      Samantha McGuin commented
      August 10, 2023 17:25

      Hi Ellie,

      Let me help clear up how this works today. Gifts are batched by day and payment method. The first incoming gift of the day automatically is added to a new batch for that payment type (credit card or direct debit.) If you use multiple merchant accounts, this breakout would also be by merchant account. Gifts will continually be added to that batch over the course of the day until either 1) the next day starts, or 2) someone in your organization goes in and approves the batch.

      Most orgs are seeing one batch per day if they're only accepting credit card gifts through one merchant account.

      Donations are usually added to a batch within minutes - there is no 2 or 4 hour update period unless it is a particularly high volume day.

      We do know there is more separation of batches requested (as we're tracking through this Idea), so your additional info is really helpful!

    • Ellie Stair commented
      August 10, 2023 16:47

      After speaking with a BB representative, I was told that gift batches are created automatically based on "a specific time period" of which they couldn't answer besides "it usually updates every 2/4 hours".

      This would potentially create any number of batches in a day for a completely arbitrary time period, which doesn't sound like much of a "batch" to me. We need to be able to specify at least some kind of rule that would allow batches to be created based on gift type, day/week, or fund. They cannot just continually stack up new batches all day, thus creating much more work than just manually adding gifts in OE.

    • Suzanne Hopkins commented
      March 15, 2023 23:12

      Our organization batches gifts by source, payment method, campaign, and day. Other than the payment was made by a credit card, the type of credit card is not a factor.

    • leslee camardo commented
      January 30, 2023 18:42


      I batch gifts according to type. Online, check, credit card, direct deposit or cash. I would like the workflow to stay the same from OLX to NXT WebView forms so I can choose how many online gifts go into a batch no matter what day the gift was submitted.

      I can have up to 150 gifts online at any given time and being able to connect them to a membership is very important since we're a membership organization.

      for our auditing purposes, it's important that I am able to perform posting like normal as well.

    • Admin
      Samantha McGuin commented
      January 26, 2023 22:28

      Thanks for this idea! Gifts are batched by day and by payment method. The system will not add new gifts to open batches, which many people find creates multiple unexpected batches.

      What is the criteria your organization would use to batch your gifts?