Event Revenue Configuration

The Event revenue on the events tab is double counting actual revenue since it includes both pledges and payments. It would be ideal if we could choose what is included in the revenue count.

Admin note: The event revenue calculation no longer double counts pledges and payments, it now only includes payments. I am keeping this open for voting as the idea for having some configuration options for what is included in the revenue total is still a worthwhile change so will remain open to voting.

  • Krista Lippert
  • Aug 14 2019
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
  • Kevyn Barnes commented
    October 20, 2023 00:13

    I appreciate seeing the actual received revenue for each event, but would also like to see a "committed" stat that includes pledges (without double counting pledge payments) so we can see the actual fundraising success. [This is less about configuring the revenue column than a related request to have a second column for comparison]

  • Adrienne Smart commented
    August 22, 2019 15:55

    You can actually choose the gift types to report on to fix this error. 

  • Admin
    Samantha McGuin commented
    August 14, 2019 19:15

    Thanks for the idea and extra comments on this one! We're getting some feedback in through Support cases around this field - and it looks like customers are all across the board in how they're calculating revenue amounts. I can confirm that it is not taking into account Applied Amount right now, we're checking on if the Pledge is being included and I'll report back.

    We're working on a design for some configuration options for this field. I will pull in voters on this Idea for some discovery and validation when we're closer to a solution.

    Samantha McGuin
    Principal Product Manager, Events

  • Keri Barnhart commented
    August 14, 2019 17:28

    Thank you for this! I was still trying to track down why one event revenue was showing so much higher than the tickets sold on the details, and I think it might also be counting split gifts, not just the amount applied to the ticket.