Expand RENXT EMail Marketing to Include Primary Contacts for Organizations

Please add this capability to RENXT EMail Marketing. There is no practical workaround to this limitation. Adding the ability to email relationship types isn't a workable solution either. We do not use the Relationship type to identify our Primary Contacts on Org records. We use the Contact Type. The ability to select Org Contact types in Mail (database view) is a terrific function. Please expand this function to RENXT EMail Marketing so that Primary Contacts on Org records can receive email communications.

  • Rene Rosengren
  • May 29 2019
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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    • Samantha Ziepke commented
      12 Mar 17:29

      We typically have multiple relationships/ contacts under a org/business. We hate for individuals to be left out of important updates.

    • A Regazzi commented
      May 07, 2024 15:13

      We work with many different types of organizations, and being able to select various contact types within each organization is vital to us. Having only one type is not at all useful to us

    • Brian R commented
      May 06, 2024 18:02

      This is very important. We work with many organizations including Foundations and municipal departments. Only having a singular email contact is not possible for us and keeps us from fully using the email functionality in NXT.

    • Julie Thompson commented
      March 20, 2024 19:59

      We have different types of contacts for organizations. Adding a person's specific email as the primary email address for the organization is not a viable workaround and would require us to update this information constantly. Suggestions to create a constituent record for every org contact is not viable as employees of organizations are constantly changing and all actions and infomration for an org should be kept within the one Org record. half of our donors are organizations and we want to be able to contact the specific contact types for various communications i.e. Scholarship Contact for updates on Scholarship recipients. Main contacts for event invitations. this has over 300 votes indicating that it is a desired and important feature that is currently lacking. please do something about it. also echo everything that the previous poster Jenn Coutu wrote.

    • Jenn Coutu commented
      February 07, 2024 16:51

      Please add the ability to create lists for all list types in NXT so we can mass email company contacts. It makes no sense that this platform does not allow for emails to contacts with no feasible workaround. This requires us to use another email platform which is tedious and then I am having to globally add an action to document any company contact emails.

    • Guest commented
      March 17, 2023 19:54

      Our team needs to communicate directly with several contacts at local facilities where we serve patients and we need the feature of being able to select contact types into emails. Please help create this. It works in Database, but we need it in NXT Email functions. Please and thank you.

    • Miranda Reuter commented
      August 30, 2022 14:32

      It's extremely difficult to consistently tell my team that their email request for a corporate fundraising effort is not possible. We need this functionality to make the Email function useful!

    • Theodore VanPatten commented
      June 23, 2022 15:35

      If you add to Constituent Lists for other uses as well, so we need a primary contact indicator which in the old system was a check box so this would work for emails and any downloaded lists.

    • Lindsay Lewis commented
      June 06, 2022 21:07

      We just sent our all of our 2021 donors. I didn't realize that the salutations wouldn't show for our organizations. Can we PLEASE add this as an option so we can appropriately send to our organizations?

    • Nathan Munn commented
      March 08, 2022 20:12

      It would be even better if you could select email recipients on the basis of contact type AND Individual Relationship Attributes, which would facilitate precise selection of both constituents AND contacts.

    • Allison Dickerson commented
      September 09, 2021 21:06

      This is an URGENT need, and I am constantly surprised that things like this aren't basic tools available in the original development of these functions. It's so disappointing & a waste of our time to build and use Marketing, only to find out that many of the things we need to send aren't available due to these situations and limitations, just being honest. If you want to make these tools available, then don't roll them out on a piece by piece basis. It's misleading to market & promote this as a selling point to new clients. Create a well built Marketing tool that is FULLY functional. Makes me want to recommend another CMS to our Foundation unfortunately.

    • Rene Rosengren commented
      August 26, 2021 01:35

      Dear Blackbaud, Please add this capability to both OLX & RENXT EMail Marketing.

    • Sandra Goodwin commented
      August 23, 2021 19:01

      Please add this capability. Our organization also uses various contact types, rather than relationship types, to identify who at an organization should be receiving a specific type of email. Without the functionality in RENXT EMail Marketing to segment based on contact types, we are limited to emailing individuals only, and using the database and a separate email tool to include contacts at organizations. Will be much more efficient when this functionality is available.

    • Mark Bezanson commented
      August 23, 2021 19:01

      This is an urgent need for us as well.

    • Guest commented
      May 19, 2021 11:30

      This would be incredibly useful for us within our organisation. It feels like it's a really basic need within NXT for us - the ability to filter our Relationship Contact Types to make the Marketing email function so much more effective.

    • Sherrie Whisler commented
      April 30, 2021 15:24

      This is an urgent need, as we need to be able to email our organizations as well as our individuals.

    • Rene Rosengren commented
      March 27, 2021 01:43

      Thanks, Bill I do mean that Contact Types. I’m just used to referring to our key type, Primary because that’s who we identify when we do a mailing and want to identify for email too.

    • Bill Connors commented
      March 26, 2021 23:13

      I agree with the concept but with the change that it should be do-able based on Contact Type, not just Primary contacts. I agree with Rene it should never have been done in OLX based on Relationship type -- no one manages their contacts, and shouldn't based on RE design, based on Relationship Types. It should be based on Contact Types at least initially. As email is now getting as sophisticated as hardcopy mail, if not more so, then really email processing for contacts should be as sophisticated as contact processing is for hardcopy mail in RE (e.g., use Contact Types or Contact Attributes).

    • Mehgan Bechtel commented
      January 27, 2021 21:07

      Yes, thank you for this Rene! I would much rather be able to filter on contact type (Primary and other) than relationship. This has always been an issue in OLX as well.

    • Hallie Guiseppe commented
      September 10, 2020 20:51

      I have been working for the last year to get my team to agree to ditch MailChimp and send our communications (appeals and stewardship) through NXT. I am more than frustrated that our Organization Primary Contacts can not receive email from the system. I haven't broken the news to my boss yet but this is a serious set back for my efforts to drive our team to utilizing the RE database as our primary management tool. BB team please consider adding the same functionality available in OXL for including organization contacts in email blasts.

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