Use "primary addressee" as default constituent identifier for Work Center, Constituent Summary, Portfolio

Currently, Work Center alerts, lists pulled within NXT, and portfolio view all feature an individual person's name as the primary identifier on the record. But as we all know, donors often come in pairs (couples!) who often collaborate on giving decisions. That's why it's important for fundraisers to keep both people's names in mind (and on their Work Center screens) as they consider reaching out to those people.

It's just not enough to be able to view the spouse's name when you open the record: both members of the donor couple should be kept in mind at every step of the process, from alerts to lists to viewing the portfolio -- and Blackbaud itself did recognize at one time how important this is (which is why in regular RE, the default identifier was "primary addressee," not the individual's name who happened to appear first on the record.)

Please, please, please help! This is a big step backward, donor relations-wise, to subjugate the second person's information, when it would be so easy to be more inclusive and more donor-centric.

Thank you,


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  • May 10 2019
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