Names in Lists need to be configurable, display useful name information

I'm feeling a bit stymied at the usability of certain aspects of Lists when it comes to identifying the constituent or relationship person: we have a lot of donors who are only known by their middle name and for whom we don't have a first name, only an initial. Usually because we only know them as "Jacob Schmidt" and their credit cards and checks have, at best, "J. Jacob Schmidt".

The name that appears for this fictional person is just "J. Schmidt". Especially when we have newer staff members who don't know Jacob uses their middle name, there is confusion about whether this is the right person. The address block helps, but isn't always as useful as you might think - if J. Jacob Schmidt, Sr., and J. Jacob Schmidt, Jr., are both listed with their family business as their primary address, there's not much to indicate which "J. Schmidt" we're concerned with. Or, if we turned off the address block for the Actions list, the Action summary only shows the "J. Schmidt", too.

My organization uses the "Preferred Name" field heavily and have configured our addressee tables to use it. Why can't we set a preference in NXT Web View to use one of those configured styles, or just to use the full name?

There's another Idea that wants to include a title in the constituent summary, which would also help a lot, but I'd rather have a more complete configuration option so that we can have one name for the top of the record, another name for Action/Opportunity/Gift summaries, and another for the constituent summary, to match the way these are being used.

  • Keri Barnhart
  • Mar 22 2018
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    • Matt Haynes commented
      November 14, 2018 15:44

      Also having the ability to state how the name format appears in lists would be great - for example we use "Couple Addressee" (if present) in mailings from database view, otherwise "Primary Addressee".  In the list currenlty only displaying the bio1 record (and not displaying spouse) prevents us from being able to use NXT for mailings or strategy - since we can only pull that information from db view.

    • Jen Claudy commented
      April 17, 2018 01:22