Search relationships on constituent record and order alphabetically

Some of our constituents have several pages of relationships, all of the same relationship type. Capacity to order the relationships alphabetically and to search relationships within the constituent record would make it a lot easier to find out whether a specific relationship is on the constituent record.   

  • Rebecca Kendall
  • May 10 2019
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    • Kirsty Iovino commented
      April 28, 2022 05:52

      Would be good to be able to show the main relationship as the contact, but also have that person showing at the top of the relationship - currently you can mark the main contact, but depending on the order the relationships are entered is where they show on the list (so can be pages and pages down to find the main contact for the organisation/constituent)

    • Sharley LaMora commented
      April 30, 2020 23:32

      Adding an org relationship via NXT now prioritizes non-constituent selections that do not fit the criteria as much as current constituents do. This requires the NXT User - typically an MGO and not a data person - to read through irrelevant returns, have to continue to type on an entire name, and, as it appears that 5 results are required, no matter what, opens up a huge possibility of creating duplicate or incomplete records. And it also costs the user lots of valuable time and potentially the data folks more time cleaning up.

      At least Offer a Admin setting to set that restriction, or at the very least - and this should have been originally offered - add a Constituent ID code column that indicates this is a "live" record versus a nonexistent one. But why insist on 5 returns, when not needed, or too restrictive? This throws in random offerings that often do not match at all

    • Brian Riggio commented
      November 21, 2019 14:06

      I think it could also be helpful, even if it's left as is on the main constituent page, but include a "work with relationships" link that will take you to a more robust page where you can change the sort, filter, etc., like for gifts.