Search constituents and contacts in one combined search

The constituent search function should have the ability to search constituents and contacts at the same time. There are many cases where I may want to add a new constituent, but they may already exist as a contact or relationship, and that info just needs to be pulled out into its own constituent record rather than starting from scratch or creating a duplicate.

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  • Jarod Bonino commented
    October 11, 2016 15:41

    Hey Thai-Son! Thanks for the feedback.

    I agree with your enhancement suggestions here but I am hopeful that the feature in its current state at least exceeds the "practically useless" label for many organizations. We have accounted for the specific enhancements you mention here for upcoming NXT updates, however we felt in its current state, the feature provided enough value to warrant releasing it before the additional changes were made. That doesn't mean we won't be making the additional changes, it just means we wanted any users that do find it useful in its current state to go ahead and start using it while we continued to develop/enhance the functionality with additional features. This is becoming fairly standard practice with NXT (and the software development industry at large).

    I do want to point out that for spouse relationship records specifically, your first suggested should be accounted for in the "Spouse name" column. The presence of a "Spouse name" and the "Not a constituent" label in the "Constituent ID" column are intended to make it clear that the record you are seeing is not a full constituent and exists because they are someone's spouse. That being said, I believe you can effectively accomplish what you are asking for on spouse records, but please do correct me if I'm wrong.

    Our discovery efforts show one significant gap with this pattern as the product sits today, and that is with Organization contacts that are not full constituent records. We plan to add a column that similarly shows as a link to an Organization constituent record when/if the relationship record exists within the context of that organization constituent as a contact. We also may do the same for the inverse (Organizations that are returned because they exist as a relationship record within the context of an individual constituent record). Hopefully that will close the gap that you are referencing in your first suggestion above. But again, please let me know if it does not.

    I think it's important to note that these are viewed as enhancements to the ability to search for a relationship records. While they are certainly helpful, they don't prevent someone from effectively discovering whether or not a record exists (constituent or not). While I believe we have already accounted for these with current roadmap items, it wouldn't hurt to log these as new ideas in the Idea Bank. It's often hard to declare something "done" unless its very specific and finite. So while I think your message of "searching for a relationship record is not a solved problem for my organization in NXT" may be true, in a literal sense it is and it will help us to better understand the specific gaps that you are referring to (which I think you have done with your numbered items here).

    The other change you mention I would summarize as "Include a Relationships tile on relationship records". This is a very logical request and something that is currently on the roadmap as well. Making relationship records accessible was a nice first step, but we certainly realize we will need to add functionality to help round out the reasons why you would want to access their records (visiting related records, editing contact info, promoting to a full constituent record, etc).

    Thanks again for your feedback and I certainly hope that you find future enhancements will make this functionality more useful for your and your organization!



  • Guest commented
    October 11, 2016 15:05


    I just want to share a few early thoughts on this new feature
    implementation. First of all, so glad to see this go from an idea to rolled
    out! However, from my early impressions, this feature is missing some core
    functionality that renders it practically useless to users.

    1. On the search results screen after a user clicks on "Search
    relationship records," there is no column that shows to which constituent
    record this relationship belong, nor is there an option to configure the
    columns displayed.
    2. Once a user clicks on the relationship record, they are taken to that
    relationship record's page, but there is no link or even text that displays
    to which constituent record that relationship belongs.

    The above two points really tackle the same issue – that searching for
    relationship records is rendered useless unless you can (conveniently)
    access the constituent record under which that relationship is nested. Note
    that this is (and always has been) functional in spouse records.

    Less importantly, users should also have the option to toggle such fields
    to display as Relationship, Reciprocal, Title.

    Hoping that the above will be addressed quickly. As it stands, searching
    for relationship remains an unsolved pain point for my organization in RE


    *Thai-Son Vu*
    Development Associate
    Success Academy Charter Schools

    C: 646 512 9325

    95 Pine Street, Floor 6
    New York, NY 10005
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    | LinkedIn

  • Jarod Bonino commented
    October 07, 2016 16:21

    I'm happy to announce that this feature has been implemented and shipped today to our production environment. Looks for more information in help and in the "What's New" section in help next Tuesday!

  • Jarod Bonino commented
    September 20, 2016 19:52

    Hey everyone! Great idea and comments/feedback here. We are actively working on this capability now. I'm searching for a couple of brave volunteers to take a look at what we have done and help settle a few open questions around it. If you are interested, please send me an email at and we'll get a quick discovery call set up! Shouldn't take longer than 15 mins or so. Thanks!

  • Guest commented
    August 03, 2016 21:27

    This continues to be a big pain point for our organization's use of RE NXT.

  • Guest commented
    June 30, 2016 20:19

    I'd like to bump this idea up. Think it's so crucial to be able to do something like search for a foundation staff member that shouldn't have their own constituent record and be directed to the foundation's record.

  • Nancy Hartman commented
    November 20, 2015 23:51

    we should be able to search for contacts and alias and nick names..etc.  My Director wants me to load new records for all contacts because they won't display in the NXT search.  NO can't do that. This should be corrected.

  • Guest commented
    October 19, 2015 17:06

    I agree that we should absolutely be able to search for contacts using the search bar. Not having this functionality is a big hindrance for our organization.

  • Jen Claudy commented
    September 09, 2015 18:47

    I would vastly prefer a search window like RE:7, with customizable options from what fields you see in the results to whether contacts/non-constituent relationships are searched.