Ability to Sort Relationships

Currently Relationships are sorted by date added, with no way to change it. You can choose to view only certain types, but the at-a-glance view as it stands can be a total mis-representation since recent "Friend" relationships will show up on top while children entered when the record was created show up on the second "page". The ability to sort by type, valid dates, or even by date added (ascending as opposed to descending) would help give a better picture of a constituent's relationships.

  • Daniel Bayer
  • Feb 17 2016
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    • Keri Eadie commented
      June 10, 2024 16:16

      We need to be able to see and sort by contact type. The database view MAIL pulls based on contact type and now we have to open each relationship to see the contact type.

    • Bill Connors commented
      March 22, 2021 16:31

      Hi, Anthony. While I 100% agree we don't want the web view to be a rote re-creation of the database view/RE7, there is an attractive precedent they have set to be able to easily see all Indiv relationships or all Org relationships regardless of Type (which might be missing, inconsistent, only filled out on one side, etc.). It would be helpful to have a filter of some type that says, in essence, Only show Individual Relationships/Only show Organization Relationships. We don't need them as separate tiles, I think, enough separation has already been done of the db view Relationships tab, but this would be helpful for review and analysis. Thanks!

    • Admin
      Anthony Gallo commented
      March 22, 2021 16:20

      If you have your organizations setup using an Employee/Employer relationship then I would think you have the tools you need to do the filter. If on those relationship records, the relationship is setup as Parent and Child then that would cause an issue for sure. If they are Employee/Employer then you can filter on one of those and the relationships you have left would all be Organizations.

    • Lizzie Shelley commented
      March 22, 2021 16:16

      Hi Anthony, for me when I am on NXT I have the option to filter, but it doesn't show organisation. The record I am looking at now, for example, only has 'Child' and 'Parent', yet there are multiple organisations showing in the Relationships window. Could this be due to how it's set up in database view?

    • Admin
      Anthony Gallo commented
      March 22, 2021 15:37

      I unmerged that idea and we will see what feedback we get on it.
      Here is the link for those interested

    • Delia Escobar commented
      March 22, 2021 13:39

      I think they mean by Relationship Record Type not by Relation Code. I find it difficult too when you only want to see a list of individuals or organizations rather than selecting individual relation codes, which is what the current filter is set to...And I agree, filtering versus sorting are two separate items

    • Admin
      Anthony Gallo commented
      March 22, 2021 13:21


      We do have a filter option on that tile currently. Can you explain a bit what you are looking for that this filter would not offer?

    • Lizzie Shelley commented
      March 22, 2021 08:43

      My issue has been merged with this and I don't think it's the same. We definitely should be able to sort, completely agree, but I always want to be able to easily filter each relationship. This issue arose when I was trying to easily see a prospects work history and it was much too difficult compared to database view.

    • Guest commented
      April 28, 2017 14:31

      I completely agree, it would be essential to sort the relationships and contacts as well separately by contact type, name, etc.

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