While looking at a relationship record in webview, we need to be able to see what full constituent record it's sitting on

I searched for a constituent in webview yesterday that turned out to only exist as a relationship record on a different full constituent record.

There was no indication, link to click on, viewable piece of data that told me what full constituent record it was sitting on. This needs to be available!

Since relationships aren't (are no longer?) searchable in the database view either unless they're spouses or contacts for an org record, the only way to figure this out was by running a query to search for it. This is very wasteful of everyone's time!

Please put SOME kind of reference, even if it's only viewable, to tell us what record to go to in order to add actions, notes, assign fundraisers, etc.

  • Heather MacKenzie
  • Jul 8 2021
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Ursula Stacks commented
      29 Jan 18:43

      Completely agree - this is a real pain!! I have to run a separate query to look for the relationship name and then try to deduce which record the person is connected to and why. This is especially cumbersome when the person has a very common name.

    • Kirsty Iovino commented
      April 28, 2022 05:49

      This would definitely be helpful as we use relationships a lot