Add ability to mark opportunity as inactive

When our fundraiser starts a new opportunity with a donor, they need to mark the previous opportunity as inactive.  I don't see that as an option in RE NXT.

  • Milly Whittington
  • Jan 14 2019
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    • Guest commented
      April 27, 2020 16:17

      Need this function for our NXT users. This has got to be an easy fix, right?? Our mobile users can't log in to RE7 every time they need to inactivate an opportunity.

    • Julie Hiland commented
      May 29, 2019 18:41

      There is no option to mark the opportunity as inactive in NXT. I am DBA/Supervisor/Super-All-Powerful-Admin.

    • Crystal Shreve commented
      January 16, 2019 20:49

      You have to open the opportunity record and there should be an option at the top of the opportunity record next to edit opportunity & change status. Here's the help text from NXT:


      Mark an opportunity as inactive or active

      To keep an opportunity for historical reference but remove it from the lists, such as if you disqualify the constituent for a major gift after multiple attempts to contact them, select Mark inactive.

      To resume an inactive opportunity, such as if the constituent finally replies with a favorable response, select Mark active.

      Tip: Don’t see this option? Contact your system admin for rights to make this type of change.

      Tip: By default, only active efforts appear in lists of opportunities. To view inactive efforts so you can reactivate them, select Include inactive opportunities or Include inactive for the list. For information about these filters, see Opportunity List Filters.