Ability to link a gift to an opportunity

Currently the only way to link a gift or payment to an opportunity is through the RE 7 Database view.  This is functionality that should be available from a gift record in the NXT webview.

  • Marc Roy
  • Jan 8 2019
  • Attach files
  • David Bourgeois commented
    November 28, 2024 18:08

    This is a must. We need to know if the ability to link gifts to opportunities and events is going to be removed or not when the transition is complete. It is not clear where this would fit in the current roadmap.

  • Hillary Cote commented
    February 28, 2024 23:01

    We don't use NXT gift entry because of its very limited function. When they added pledges today, I thought we might be able to transition to web view. However - it doesn't make sense to do this if my gift processor can't link to opportunities. It's not a good process to have her switching back and forth between systems. This would be a huge help.

  • Guest commented
    February 21, 2024 14:58

    Having to use DB View for a functionality that exists primarily for NXT users seems very silly indeed!

  • Lee Rendell commented
    April 01, 2021 14:44

    As someone who is new to using NXT - this functionality would be astounding. All of our Donor Relations Officers currently have to get into database view to link gifts with the related opportunity/proposal, and this is how we track performance of our proposals. I'm surprised frankly this request isn't more popular. It would be a huge time-saver.

  • Timothy McDermott commented
    November 01, 2019 21:04

    Bob's suggestion has merit, however, our protocol here is the fundraisers have this responsibility as they are most likely to know when a gift should be linked. It's crazy that they will have to toggle to the database view to do this.

  • Bob Hatcher commented
    January 23, 2019 18:38

    Perhaps it would be better if the opportunity in NXT triggered the person in RE who is entering the batch. We have a challenge with the batch entry because we do not know if the gift is designated for a specific fund unless they go out to look at NXT and see if it is there.

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