Apply gifts as pledge payments in RE NXT (web view) - only doable in databse view now

The process is in geenral more seamless in the web view, which is where we are adding most of our gifts anyways. When other staff have to be trained development tasks, having them do this in web view would be more user-friendly.

  • Daniel
  • Mar 18 2020
  • Attach files
  • Michelle DeAngelis commented
    09 Jul 19:14

    Please, please, please make this happen!

  • Milton Costen commented
    15 Apr 15:26

    So needed.

  • Marcia Berry commented
    May 01, 2023 14:16

    This needs to be updated in the NXT process for online donations. It is a serious oversight.

  • Anonymous commented
    February 18, 2023 02:17

    Still no update?

  • Susan Barnes commented
    June 27, 2022 15:27

    Being able to apply gift batches in RENXT to pledges is greatly needed. This will avoid pledge balance issues and will eliminate extra work on having to fix the issue to obtain a correct pledge balance.

  • Guest commented
    February 03, 2022 19:16

    There are many votes and request for this feature for over two years and still no updates in NXT for this necessary feature?