Change the address type shown in the Constitutent Summary of a List

Many individuals have both personal and business contact with my organization.  When pulling a list for business we would need the business address to appear in the constituent summary.  While a Personal list would need the home address to appear in the list.  Currently NXT defaults to primary address, and there is no way to make this distinction. 

  • Derek Smith
  • Mar 23 2018
  • Attach files
  • Matt Haynes commented
    April 09, 2018 14:47

    Specific to organizations - when I generate a Constituent List that includes this one particular organization - a former employee, who is now deceased, and a non-contact has their email address appears in the 'Constituent Summary' Section.

    Likewise - same organization - in an "Opportunity List" has a former bank presidents email appear - the bank pres happens to be on the fundraising committee and saw his email in the constituent summary of that list type.  

    Personally - only phones/emails/links that are present on the org1 tab in database view should appear (consistently) in any list type - which currently appears to not happen.