Default Set functionality for Constituent records

I'd love to see functionality similar to RE7 Default Sets available in NXT.  On most record types...starting with Constituent, Action, and Gift.

This has been posted several times already, specific to Action Records:

  • Jen Claudy
  • Feb 13 2018
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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    • Deborah Drucker commented
      September 13, 2024 13:47

      Default sets really help in getting development officers to add their Actions. This would be very helpful.

    • Sarah Martin commented
      July 29, 2024 06:51

      I use Default Sets when adding relationships, both individual and organization so I would really love that

    • Guest commented
      July 22, 2024 20:20

      Yes please add the function. It is very handy for users.

    • Rosalyn Lake commented
      August 12, 2021 11:14

      Default sets on RE NXT would be a great addition please

    • Joel Raasch commented
      February 26, 2020 16:18

      If you're interested in the nine ideas like this one and their 276 vote total, here's the breakdown as of 10 a.m. Central: 

      Enable Action Default Sets in RE NXT Web view RENXT-I-869 49 votes
      Default Set Functionality RENXT-I-1249 40 votes
      Default note on actions or action track RENXT-I-296 4 votes
      Ability to use pre-loaded Action templates RENXT-I-1242 15 votes
      Enable the ability to use Action Defaults in NXT RENXT-I-943 38 votes
      Use action default set in NXT RE7-I-4203 75 votes
      Ability to "add defaults" to opportunities RENXT-I-1958 7 votes
      Maintain or Add default settings for Actions and Opportunites for funds and Campaigns RENXT-I-630 6 votes
      When adding an action note on RE NXT I would like to give the action note a type. In order to do this I have to save the action and then add the note. Please include note type in the add an action box. RENXT-I-1126 42 votes

    • Joel Raasch commented
      February 26, 2020 16:12

      By my count today, the NINE separate ideas posted in RENXT and RE7 that ask for default sets in RE NXT have a combined voting total of 276 votes! With that many votes, after you remove the other popular ideas Blackbaud has already marked as "Planned" or "Reviewed: Voting open", this idea is now in FIRST PLACE IN TERMS OF POPULARITY!!!

    • Guest commented
      April 12, 2019 16:54

      There are at least five Ideas that are requesting that Action Default Sets be added to RE NXT. As of a few moments ago, if these five Ideas were merged into one Idea, it'd have 153 votes total. I hope Blackbaud is considering this when gauging the strength of the call for this functionality to be introduced into the web view sooner than later. Better yet, I wish they'd merge these five Ideas into one Idea. Then maybe this Idea would rise to "planned" status so we all can plan on it. When action default sets are introduced into the web view, I believe our organization will start having a more satisfactory return on investment for our move to NXT. We're coming up on our 1 year anniversary of going to NXT and our gift officers haven't yet warmed up to the web view, in spite of being taught how to access it and use some of its new features. We're also coming up on our next annual in-person RE training event (late May) for all our gift officers. For the second year now this training will be devoted partly to web view and partly to database view. How cool it would be if we could get their action default sets (and their dynamic queries!) into web-view, help them to start leaving behind the database view and start falling in love with the web-view!


      Here's our "user story" on this:

      We want our gift officers to move into using the web view more and more. Since their action default sets (and their dozens of dynamic queries for donor identification, cultivation, etc), aren't yet available in web view, our gift officers are mostly "passing" on the web view. Some of then will log into it, but mostly only when one needs to use his phone to quickly look up a donor to get driving directions, make a phone call, check latest giving, etc.

      Details: In the web view they're unable to access their 8-12 personalized, efficient, highly-purposed action default sets, which they use for almost all their action entries. Consequently, in the web view they can only complete an action record entry one field at a time, e.g. on their phone after they've left the donor's house/office. Our organization uses a rather large number of different action attributes to "intentionalize"  and report on our team's face-to-face visits and phone contacts relating to priority types of nurture activity. (We also use action default sets to load clearly-worded action entry instructions, as notes or attributes, e.g. when we've rolled out some new twist/tool.) Without any of their action default sets available, our officers can't load these attributes (and other fields) with just a few clicks of the mouse. They can manually add the attributes (a.k.a. Custom Fields), but manual adding of attributes in the web view is even slower than manual adding of attributes in the database view. At that point they really miss their action default sets. So do I, by the way, since I'm in charge of monitoring their data entry quality and reporting accurately their action totals in various prioritized types of nurture activity!

      I'm telling my boss and our officers we hope action default sets (and dynamic queries, for that matter) are coming to the web view. I've also asked for action default set Ideas to be merged to be properly gauge vote count. Until the fate of these tools in web view is known, we are in sort of a holding pattern. We're advising that action entries, especially their face to face visits, be done from the database view. A downside to working in both views, of course, is that it means having to manage and log in with three different username/password combos: One for Citrix, one for database view, and one for web view. 




      • Do you, too, want to pull your dynamic queries into web-view, e.g. as lists for your gift officers? You can vote for that Idea here: I see that it is a merge of three similar Ideas. Last I checked, it had 374 votes!
      • I see there's now a "planned" Idea for Linking Webview and Database View Logins. Can't wait!
    • Guest commented
      January 29, 2019 21:32
    • Joel Raasch commented
      December 17, 2018 16:03

      Would Blackbaud team be able/willing to combine these items into one? I feel there's much more interest in this functionality than is currently represented since the votes are currently spread across five similar "Ideas".