It would be useful if the Constituent Record showed the constituent record indicated the Gift Aid eligibility for the donor prompting our fundraisers to request a declaration if we don't have one or don't have a valid one for current donations.. Whilst it can be inferred from the gift section it is possible for donors to make single gift declarations meaning this isn't definitive.
essential to manage gifts in NXT! Blackbaud, please make it available.
If batching and webform have moved to NXT webview - why isn't the gift aid declarations available? It continues to be an issue with media/attachments connection between database and webview.
Cannot believe that there are comments on here backdating over 4 years?? Please, please can we have an update??
Desperately need this here in the UK. Just upgraded to NXT and still have to use database view as everytime a donor donates I have to check gift aid. Blackbaud please prioritise this for your UK customers.
It would be very useful
Any update blackbaud? This also means we cannot include gift aid on IOM cloud imports.
Yes, this would be very helpful, especially as the database view is getting increasingly unreliable (and completely inaccessible as I write this!)
I completely agree this is needed and think it's ridiculous that it's not available
Yes I agree, a needed feature
This is a much needed feature, worth having for any fundraiser!
Totally agree, it would be so helpful to have this information on the webview, especially as it is so easy to upload a scanned Gift Aid Declaration form.
When setting up a Donor it would be really handy to be able to access all area's rather than having to load the Database view to add gift aid declarations meaning they could be missed.