Add the option for a Home Page Constituent Action reminder

NXT lacks the option to have a Constituent Action reminder set up on your home page. Only having the option of the reminder being sent to your calendar is not ideal.

  • Tracy Florom
  • Nov 10 2017
  • Attach files
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    • Diane Kuehl commented
      November 15, 2017 20:44

      On the Work Center / Overview page there is an Actions tile.  However, it is apparently "hard coded" to the "this week" time frame for both the Upcoming and Completed statistics.    Perhaps each fund raiser should be able to choose the time frame they prefer.  I also suggest that the time frames include options like "Next x days" or "Past X months).  An option of "This week" means that I won't be notified til Sunday (or whenever you consider the first day of the week) about something I may need to do on Monday morning.